Phiên bản tiếng Việt


The objectives of preschool education

The objective of preschool education is to develop children in such a way so that by the end of their preschool education they have become unique and relatively independent individuals who are capable of actively and satisfactorily coping with the demands of life that will face them and await them in the future.

The objectives of preschool education in the Czech Republic include:

– supplementing and supporting the family upbringing;

– supporting the development of the child’s personality;

– supporting the child’s healthy emotional, intellectual and physical development;

– assisting the child to understand the world around them and motivating them to learn and find out more about it;

– enabling the child to adopt basic rules of conduct, life values and interpersonal relationships;

– straightening out any uneven patches in the child’s development prior to their entry into primary education;

– creating the prerequisites for continuing in education;

– providing specialist educational care to children with special learning needs.

The specifics of preschool education

– The methods and forms of work during preschool education are adapted to meet the needs of each child.

– Preschool education offers children a friendly and stimulating environment where they can feel satisfied and able to express themselves and occupy themselves in a natural childlike way.

– The individual needs and possibilities of each child are respected.

– The education especially takes place through experiential learning and learning through play. These methods are intended to support the children’s curiosity and need to discover.

The educational content is based on 5 educational areas:

1. The child and their body – physical development and the coordination of movement, fine motor skills, hand/eye coordination, looking after oneself, health and safety.

2. The child and their psyche 

– Language and speech – pronunciation, the grammatical correctness of speech, comprehension, making oneself understood, expression.

– Cognitive ability and function, imagination, fantasy, mental operations – perception, attention, concentration, memory, creativity, inventiveness, imagination, differentiation between figurative and graphic symbols, graphic expression, space-time orientation, basic pre-mathematic concepts, numerical concepts and operations, problem-solving, learning.

  • Self-perception, emotions, will – self-confidence, self-realisation, self-control, adaptability, self-perception, emotions, will.

3. The child and others – communication with adults, communication with children, cooperation during activities, sociability.

4. The child and society – social rules and customs, inclusion in society, culture, art.

5. The child in the world – knowledge, social informedness, adaptability to changes, the child’s relationship with the environment.


The organisation of pre-school education

– The school year starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following calendar year.

– Pre-school education is organised for children aged between 2 and 6 (a two-year-old child has no legal entitlement to be accepted into a kindergarten).

– The registration for preschool education in the subsequent school year takes place from 2 May to 16 May. The kindergarten principal will set the precise date and place.

– The obligation to enrol in preschool education occurs from the beginning of the school year that follows the day when the child turned 5.

– Compulsory preschool education applies to the citizens of other European Union member states who spend more than 90 days in the Czech Republic, to other foreigners who are authorised to reside in the Czech Republic permanently or temporarily for a period in excess of 90 days and to participants in asylum proceedings. Compulsory preschool education does not apply to children with severe mental handicaps.

– The requirement of completing the compulsory year of preschool education can also be met in other ways. These include individual education, education in a preparatory class

at primary school, education in the preparatory level for a special primary school and education at an international school located within the Czech Republic.

– The school principal will enable a child with special educational needs or exceptional educational talent to be included in an individual educational program on the basis of a recommendation received from an educational advisory facility. The program will define the options and methods of supporting the child in any problematic areas.

– The General Education Program, which defines the compulsory contents, scope and conditions of the education, is binding for preschool education. The General Education Program is binding for the creation of the curriculum.


Informace k zápisům do MŠ pro školní rok 2022/2023/

Інформація щодо зарахування до дитячих садків на 2022/2023 навчальний рік

Zápis dětí cizinců, kteří přicestovali do ČR po 24.02.2022 a kterým byla v ČR poskytnuta dočasná ochrana podle zákona o některých opatřeních v souvislosti s ozbrojeným konfliktem na území Ukrajiny vyvolaným invazí Ruské federace, se uskuteční v termínu 6.6.2022. Zápis se týká dětí od 3 do 6 let. / Реєстрація дітей-іноземців, які прибули до Чеської Республіки після 24.02.2022 р., та яким надано тимчасовий захист у Чеській Республіці відповідно до Закону про деякі заходи у зв’язку зі збройним конфліктом в Україні, спричиненим вторгненням Російської Федерації, відбуватиметься з 01.06.2022 по 15.07.2022. Запис поширюється на дітей від 3 до 6 років.

Do zvolené mateřské školy odevzdejte/ До обраного дитячього садочку треба подати:

· žádost k přijetí /link/ заяву про вступ / посилання

· potvrzení pediatra o zdravotní způsobilosti /link/ довідку від педіатра про медичну придатність дитини/ посилання

· vízum, potvrzení zdravotní pojišťovny, doklad o bydlišti ve spádové oblasti/ візу, свідоцтво медичного страхування, підтвердження проживання в цій частині міста.

Příjem žádostí do MŠ probíhá v uvedeném termínu v době stanovené ředitelem zvolené mateřské školy shodně ve všech MŠ dne 06.06.2022. / Прийом заяв у всіх садочках відбудеться 06.06.2022 року, у визначений директором садочка час.

Přehled mateřských škol MČ Praha 11 / Перелік дитячих садків району Прага 11

Hlavním kritériem pro přijetí dítěte je prokazatelně doložený pobyt v MČ Praha 11 a věk dítěte / Основним критерієм зарахування дитини є документальне підтверджене місця постійного проживання в районі Прага 11 та вік дитини.

MŠ A. Drabíkové

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MŠ Mírového hnutí

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MŠ V Benátkách

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MŠ Chodov www.chodov@z

Coronavirus crisis – changes, recommendations